I now have a range of hand made essential oil candles, to enhance your well being and mediation practice.
All candles are hand made by myself with soy wax, which is biodegradable and vegan friendly. No animal products were used in the manufacturing of the wax and no testing on animals has been carried out during the manufacturing process. The essential oils used in the candles are 100% pure and natural as well as being vegan, ethically sourced and cruelty-free.
Meditation candle
Anti anxiety candle
Tranquil nights candle
CHAKRA CANDLES: Sahasrara (Crown), Ajna (Third Eye) Vishuddhi (Throat) Anahata (Heart), Manipura (Solar Plexus, Swadhisthana (Sacral) and Muladhara ( Root)
For information, please contact:
Telephone: 07921 127935